checks and balances

[ˌtʃeks ən ˈbælənsɪz]
  • 释义
  • 政府机关彼此之间的相互制衡;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Thanks to a number of mechanical checks and balances, brake failure rarely occurs.

    多亏了一系列的机械制衡, 制动失效才很少发生.

  • 2、

    Residents are your checks and balances, they protect you from an unscrupulous or incompetent doctor.

    住院医师是你的保证, 他们使你不会遭遇无职业操守或技能不足的医生.

  • 3、

    The American system of checks and balances makes hard to pass sweeping change without broad consensus.


  • 4、

    Nonetheless, says the pendulum theory, Iranian politics is still an affair of checks and balances.

    然而, 平衡理论讲道, 伊朗的政治仍是政府机关彼此之间的相互制衡的问题.

  • 5、

    The president planned the system of checks and balances between the legislative, executive, and judicial branches.

    总统制订了立法 、 行政和司法各部门之间相互牵制的制衡制度.

  • 6、

    To realize the balance state , however , seperation of powers and checks and balances are effectual methods.

    而要实现这种平衡, 分权制衡便是一种有效的手段.

  • 7、

    Rather, they should reinforce checks and balances and stimulate a debate.

    相反, 他们应当加强相互制衡,并激发讨论.

  • 8、

    You don't always find similar checks and balances in public companies, Mr Angel suggested.


  • 9、

    China needs a checks and balances.


  • 10、

    The answer is to have excellent systems and thorough checks and balances.


  • 11、

    Costa Rica is a democratic republic with a strong system of constitutional checks and balances.


  • 12、

    For our system to work in today's complex economy, these checks and balances must function properly.

    就这些运作在当今复杂的经济环境中的制度而言, 这些牵制和制衡必须恰当的发挥效用.

  • 13、

    Some of this is by design, a result of the complex machinery of checks and balances.

    其中有些提案是经过设计的, 是政府机关彼此之间的相互制衡产生的结果.

  • 14、

    This undermines the system of checks and balances, which is so essential to a mature democracy.


  • 15、

    Despite automatic controversy, they played a role in aesthetic checks and balances.

    因此,尽管有时会出现不由自主的论战, 但他们在美学制衡中发挥着作用.

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